About Clinic

Samvedna clinic started in 1989, Located at Gandhi Smriti, Crescent Circle, Bhavnagar – 364001, Gujarat (INDIA). Providing homeopathic health service by Ashish Mehta.


Meaning of “Samvedna” given by many as inner most feeling, emotions, perception, experience by living being.

The name of the clinic is selected on basis of all above mentioned meaning and having a different view point as follows:

SAM in Sanskrit language is “SAME” in English – Similar

vedna in Sanskrit language means “PAIN” in English – Suffering

So if we connect these two words according to Sanskrit language, which is considered as the most scientific & oldest language of Civilization, it indicates:


Clinic Time:
Monday to Saturday :    (06:00 pm To 08:30 pm)

Selfless Services at our Samvedna Clinic:
Sunday :  (10:00 am To 12:00 noon) Free homeopathy consulting by our assistant homeopath. Dedicated to Dr. Vijayshankar Bhatt and Dr. Girish Mehta.

Your journey in the clinic is a patient centric care between you and us.
 Informed Consent form:  The main purpose of the informed consent process is to protect the patient. As mentioned earlier, a capable adult cannot be forced to have any type of medical treatment. In general, anything other than a life-threatening emergency in which the patient is unconscious requires consent before treatment.

 Intake form/Case record form:  contain data obtained during the patient's participation in the clinical case taking. The data provided by the patient is the most valuable data for a homeopath. As it contains spontaneous expressions of the patient in non-medical terms and based on life experiences of the patient. We encourage all our patients to be more spontaneous and remain simple in writing/communicating their expression. It helps us a lot during case processing.

 Appointment scheduling:  After submitting above 2 forms with full information, Patient has to pay charge (payment method). Doctor will give you appointment as per your request (by phone, E-Mail, Whatsapp).

 First consultation (Appointment):  First appointment will take around 2 hours. Homeopath will observe, listen, ask, know about your complaints and about you as an individual (In Person or by phone, by Skype).

 Follow-up visit / consultation:  will take around 20 to 30 minute. Homeopath will ask about existing complaints, new complaints, improvement etc. (In Person or by phone, by Skype).

 Prescription:  Homeopath will give you prescription, 2 way to buy medicine, patient can buy from Samvedna Clinic or can buy from homeopathic medical pharmacy.

 Healthy Life style management tips:  every visit Doctor will give you tips for healthy life style.

 Reference to other health care provider - if needed